Gemstones Identification Procedure: How Gemologists Determine the Authenticity of Precious Stones


Gemstones are captivating, valuable, and highly in demand.  However, not all shiny, colorful rocks are gemstones.  To ensure the authenticity and value of any gemstone, gemologists employ various identification procedures.  In this article, we will explore Gemstones Identification Procedures and how they work.

Visual Inspection

Visual inspection is one of the basic procedures to identify a gemstone.  Gemologists consider the color, shape, texture, and transparency of the stone.  The presence of blemishes, fractures, and inclusions can also provide indications of possible treatments, enhancements, and origin.  This step is relatively straightforward, but it can help gemologists eliminate fake or synthetic stones.

Magnetic Test

The magnetic test is a nondestructive procedure that checks if a gemstone is magnetic.  Gemologists use a magnet and observe any reaction of the stone.  Most gemstones are diamagnetic;  hence, they don't attract a magnet.  However, certain businesses selling synthetic gemstones apply specific treatments that make them magnetic.  A gemstone that reacts to magnetism is a clear indication of a synthetic stone.

Ultraviolet Light Test

Most gemstones have a unique fluorescence pattern when exposed to ultraviolet light.  Gemologists use a UV light to observe this effect.  In this test, the gemstone's fluorescence can also reveal if the stone is treated or untreated.  Some treatments will diminish fluorescence, while others may enhance it, making it a valuable tool for identification.

Refractive Index Test

The refractive index test measures the speed of light through a gemstone and its bending angle.  This test can identify the stone's chemical composition and identify the gemstone species.  Gemologists can use a refractometer to perform this test, which gives them a numeric value that they can cross-reference with databases to determine the gemstone's authenticity.

Specific Gravity Test

Gemstone identification also involves monitoring the density of the stone.  The specific gravity of a gemstone can provide valuable information about the type and quality of the stone.  Gemologists can use a hydrostatic liquid to measure the specific gravity of the gemstone and compare the result to tested and trusted ratios of known gemstones.


Gemstones are precious, and identifying them correctly is essential in validating their worth.  Gemologists use various Gemstones Identification Procedures to ensure the authenticity of a precious stone.  While gemstones identification may seem straightforward, their rarity and value mean that sellers and buyers must want to invest in expert help when purchasing.  So, if you're looking to buy a valuable gemstone, seek the help of a gemologist to determine the stone's authenticity and quality.

In conclusion, gemstones are valuable and the identification process is essential.  Proper gemstones identification helps you distinguish between a priceless natural stone and a synthetic, low-quality imitation.  I hope this article helps you understand the importance of Gemstones Identification Procedure.

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